12 locals, including NLD supporters, arrested in Launglon Township

12 locals, including NLD supporters, arrested in Launglon Township

The 12 locals, including NLD supporters, were arrested in their homes by regime forces’ two-day raids in Launglon Township, Tanintharyi Region, the sources told Than Lwin Times.

The security forces arrived at the neighborhoods in Launglon Township in five vehicles under the pretext of checking household lists around 8 pm, on October 21.

Those arrested were nine local residents, including pro-NLD U Myo Thein, U Tin Thaung and Ko Phoe Thaukkyar, who live in Wards A, B and C of Launglon Township.

Similarly, the regime forces arrested U Nyan Win, U Aung Kyaw Nyein, and Daw Myint Htay from the lower Yebyu village tract on the morning of October 22.

A CDM staff member was among those arrested, but Than Lwin Times has not been able to independently confirm this.

The military council accused those arrested of providing funds to the People’s Defense Forces (PDF).

Now, the detainees were held in custody and under investigation at Launglon police station.

In the wake of the military coup, almost 16,000 people have been detained nationwide, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).

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