Narinjara News

Kyauk Pru township court in Arakan has postponed the hearing of 10 villagers who have been charged by the police for leading a protest demonstration...
The shortage of government physicians in Arakan has deprived the poor residents of the State in respect to modern health care facilities, a fact that...
A section of political activists belonged to National League for Democracy (NLD) and based in Arakan State of western Burma (Myanmar) issued a...
The authority of Maungdaw in western Burma, bordering Bangladesh faces criticism for its failure to compensate the farmers, from whom farmlands were...
A three day long annual central committee meeting of Rakhine National Development Party (RNDP), which won 34 Parliamentary seats in 2010 general...
The UNICEF sponsored text books and stationery items for Kindergarten level students in Burma have been distributed in various schools of Arakan...
The authority has planned to construct 33 temporary schools for the children of Muslim refugees’ camps in Arakan State of western Burma.
Ma Thida Htwe, a young woman victim was remembered gracefully by a youth group in Kyauk Pru, the second largest city of Arakan State of Burma. The...
Rakhine National Development Party (RNDP), an influential political party will hold its annual central committee meeting at Ann, a town in Arakan...
China has vowed to develop the islands of Myadae in Arakan State of Burma, where a massive oil and gas project is under construction by the Chinese...
Twenty four bodies were recovered from the coastline at Teknaf in Bangladesh, close to Burma town Maungdaw, on Thursday.
Over 50 Muslim refugees from Nget Chaug refugee camp in Pauk Taw Township, few miles east of Sittwe are being reported missing as a machine boat...
Ten Arakanese, who led a recent protest programme against the Chinese National Petroleum Cooperation (CNPC) last month were produced before the court...
With the apprehension of possible cyclone Mahasen assaults in western Burma, the authority in Sittwe, the capital of Arakan province, has evacuated...
As a cyclone is formed in the Bay of Bengal that might hit the western Burma, the authority has shifted many refugee families from the camps in...
