Narinjara News

Guwahati: The Women’s Initiative Network for Peace (Win-Peace) has expressed serious concern at the continued imprisonment of hundreds of political...
Protesting against the Burmese government’s policy for providing housing facilities to suspected citizens has put many Arakanese community leaders...
Burma will deliver around 400 million cubic feet of natural gas to China, where as nearly 100 million cubic feet of Shwe gas will be kept for its...
An Arakanese social organization has awarded educational stipends to 228 Arakanese students who are pursuing graduation and post-graduation courses...
Five Arakanese Buddhists were sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years accounting their roles in the attack on a Muslim village last year during the...
A prominent human rights group has called into question President Thein Sein’s recent commitment to clear Burma’s jails of prisoners of conscience by...
Six government workers have been fired from their jobs in western Burma following their refusals to join duties in rural worksite for the security...
Arakan police have arrested 6 suspects for the murder of 10 Muslim pilgrims last year. The arrestees are all from Taungup, located in southern Arakan...
Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) and Rakhine National Development Party (RNDP) have formed a committee to prepare a constitution for Arakan National...
A fugitive Muslim leader was arrested by the police on Monday from his residence at Thetkalpyin village in Sittwe Township of Arakan. The local...
The Burmese home ministry has taken over the responsibility to check the western Burma border as the Nasaka force was abolished by President Thein...
The Indonesian police have arrested 62 asylum seekers from Burma, Bangladesh and Nepal. A police patrol of the island nation caught 18 Burmese along...
The Burmese border security force, locally known as Nasaka has been abolished. The Burmese President U Thien Sein has signed in the mandate on 12...
The Burmese authority has handed over 75 Bangladeshi nationals to its counterpart after a commander level flag meeting on Thursday morning, said...
Two Bangladeshi nationals have been detained by the Yangon police on Tuesday with suspicions of hiding identities.
