Peaceful procession for detainees release foiled

Peaceful procession for detainees release foiled
by -
Narinjara News
The plans harboured by local youths for a peaceful procession demanding the release of five youths detained by the authorities in Taungup were foiled on Saturday before it could take off, said a youth leader to Narinjara over the telephone.

The plans harboured by local youths for a peaceful procession demanding the release of five youths detained by the authorities in Taungup were foiled on Saturday before it could take off, said a youth leader to Narinjara over the telephone.

"We planned to take out a peaceful procession on the streets of Taungup to demand the release of our friends who have been sentenced by the authorities to two and-a-half years in prison. But the plan was not successful because the authorities foiled our programme," he said.

Many youths from Taungup gathered on the day to take out a procession on the streets but there was no opportunity to carry out the plan because the authorities had beefed up security in the town recently.

"Our programme was not successful because the authorities prevented it, but we issued a statement on the day calling for the release of the five youth detainees immediately. If the authorities do not concede to our demand, we will carry out other programmes to demand the release of our friends," the youth leader said.

The plan for the procession was chalked out after the authorities sentenced the five youths to two and-a-half years in prison for marching on the streets of Taungup on the 20th  anniversary of the 8-8-88 uprising.

Many youths in Taungup are willing to take part in the procession to demand the detainees' release as they are dissatisfied with the government's decision to hand down such long prison terms.

"Today our programme was not successful, but our plan will succeed tomorrow. Many people in our town disagreed with the verdict of the authorities and many believe it is unfair and unjust. So many people have encouraged us to stage a peaceful procession for the release of the five youths," he added.

In the past, two other youths were sentenced to two years in prison for staging a protest in Taungup, but the authorities soon released them after townspeople demanded their release by staging public protests.

"If we are silent then they will face two and-a-half years in prison. So we have a duty to try and get them released from custody somehow. We have many plans for their release. The peaceful procession is a first step," the youth said.

The youths from Taungup are going to carry out their planned actions one by one until the five youths are released, but the youth leader declined to give details of their plans for security reasons.