TV and Broadcasting Bill Will Be Fair: Union Information Minister

TV and Broadcasting Bill Will Be Fair: Union Information Minister
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Myanmar’s draft Television and Broadcasting Bill, approved by the upper house of parliament last week, will bring justice to the TV and radio media, according to Minister of Information U Ye Htut.

 Hein Htet/Mizzima

U Ye Htut made the comment at the office of the Myanmar Journalist Network in Yangon on 21st October in response to queries raised by journalists.

He said: “The bill is aimed at ensuring fairness and justice in the media. TV and broadcasting services were previously run under the State-owned Economic Enterprises Law. Entrepreneurs missed the chance to engage in TV and broadcasting. As such, the bill will bring about justice and be fair for businessmen.”

The bill offers the chance for private TV broadcasters to operate legally for the first time, sets limits of foreign ownership, establishes a national TV broadcaster, and allows the creation of a council to regulate the national broadcaster.

U Ye Htut appeared upbeat but questions remain over the government’s approach.

Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) bureau chief U Toe Zaw Latt raised a concern during the meeting over whether the bill will offer freedom and justice, as suggested.

He criticized a provision that might help favour State government-owned media over private media.