Burma appoints three new ministers in Cabinet reshuffle

Burma appoints three new ministers in Cabinet reshuffle
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Three new deputy ministers have been appointed as part of Burma’s Cabinet reshuffle this week, according to an order from the President's Office.

 president's websiteThant Kyaw and Zin Yaw was named deputy foreign ministers, while Dr. Maung Maung Thein, who is general manager of Myanma Insurance, was nominated as deputy minister of Finance and Revenue.

In the cabinet reshuffle, nine ministers were reassigned. Four were transferred as ministers to the President's Office. The Minister of Information, who was also the government spokesman for the previous military government, was moved to head the Minister of Cooperatives.

Tin Aung Myint Oo, who resigned from the post of vice president for health reason, was replaced by Nyan Tun, who was former Naval Chief, upon approval of the Parliament.

On Wednesday in Kayin State, Nyan Tun stressed the connection between peace and stability and socio-economic development, saying, “Only with peace and stability, can socio-economic life improve, likewise, only there is socio-economic development, can peace and stability be strengthened,” official media reported on Thursday.

Speaking for the first time since becoming vice president at a ceremony to aid flood victims in Hpa-an, in southeastern Kayin State, Nyan Tun said that the government is working to better people’s lives.

“Overtures have been made with all the political elements to ensure their participation in political reform designed for political stability,” he said, adding that the government has been negotiating with ethnic armed groups.

He said the country should focus on agricultural development and industrialization to achieve the goal of socio-economic development.

Citing that the country lacks technology, capital and human resources, he said the state is inviting foreign investment to overcome the obstacles.

Nyan Tun, one of two vice presidents, was commander-in-chief of the Navy. He was named vice president on Aug. 15.