Although news spread earlier this year that the Burmese Army would likely resume using ‘Four Cuts’ military offensives against many ethnic armed...
Although in recent months there has been less gunfire fighting between Karen armed groups and the Burmese Army in the area controlled by KNU Brigade...
Burma Rivers Network (BRN) issued a statement today urging an end to the construction of all dam projects in Burma. The release of the statement was...
Burmese soldiers, who have been patrolling in Kawkareik and Kyar-Inn-Seik-Gyi townships, recently opened fire on the villages, resulting in injuries...
If the Burmese government and foreign investors have their way, the Hatgyi Dam will soon be generating 1,200 Mega Watts of electricity for Thailand...
“Victory is for the brave people who fight.” These words are very important to many Karen people, who have heard them from their leaders throughout...
The Burmese Army shot dead one soldier of the KNU/KNLA Peace Council yesterday morning and arrested six. At about 9 am, Burmese Army troops...
Thirty Burmese soldiers were killed when Karen armed forces ambushed the joint forces of the Burmese Army and BGF in southern Kawkareik town in Karen...
About 1,000 Karen people from Phaluu village in Wor Lay area fled to Thailand yesterday afternoon, fearing gun battles because the Burmese Army and...
Women and children suffered terribly during the 2010 general election given the gun battles in border areas, according to a Women’s League of Burma (...
The Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party (PSDP) is keen on working together with other political parties, which contested in the 2010 election in Burma, for...
Three Karen political parties have thrown up 16 victorious candidates in their respective constituencies in the election on November 7...
About 400 people fled to Thailand in the wake of gun battles between the Burmese Army and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) troops ....
Of the four political parties, which contested the election in Taung-Oo township, the KPP bagged the majority of votes and recorded victory ...
With advanced voting arranged three days before the elections in Phapun town, the authorities set up just one polling station at the township...
