PSDP can ally with other parties on common ground

PSDP can ally with other parties on common ground
by -
Nan Htoo San

The Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party (PSDP) is keen on working together with other political parties, which contested in the 2010 election in Burma, for the benefit of the people, should these parties have policies similar to the PSDP, ...

The Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party (PSDP) is keen on working together with other political parties, which contested in the 2010 election in Burma, for the benefit of the people, should these parties have policies similar to the PSDP, a responsible member of the PSDP told KIC on Sunday.

“Our party has declared that it is ready to work together with other parties. However, we have to implement what we have promised to the people. If the policies are similar, we can work together,” he added.

The PSDP views all political parties, which contested in the election, as rivals, not as enemies.

On November 15, U Thura Myint Maung, Home and Religious Minister, U Kyaw San, Information Minister, and other party leaders of the USDP told Taung Galay Sayar Taw, abbot U Pinyathami, about its desire to ally with the PSDP.

“Two ministers and their leaders in Pa-an township went to see Taung Galay Sayar Taw and talk about an alliance with the PSDP. The abbot said he is a monk and not involved with political parties but they could talk to the PSDP,” a PSDP candidate, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.

The two ministers asked U Saw Khin Maung Myint, chairperson of the PSDP, to visit Taung Galay Sayar Taw on that day, according to a PSDP member.

“Before they went to meet Sayar Taw, a USDP member called U Saw Khin Maung Myint to go but he refused. Another member called him again to visit the abbot in the monastery at noon for donating books. He was also informed that the two ministers would go to the monastery but he refused yet again,” he added.

The two ministers privately met Sayar Taw, according to a person close to Taung Galay Sayar Taw.

Eighteen candidates of the PSDP contested in the election. Among them, nine  candidates won from Pa-an, and Hlaing Bwe township in Karen State.