Khonumthung News

A serious dispute erupted between young voters and the official in-charge of the polling booth in Tal village in Falam township,.....
With four days to go before the elections in Burma, Hakha town in Chin State is faced with the problem of accommodating.....
Chin voters, especially in the town of Thantlang, Chin State are in a dilemma. They have been thoroughly confused by the different political parties...
In what seems to be a mockery of the adult franchise system, government employees will be unable to vote for the party....
A woman milk seller was raped by two Burmese nationals on 25 October in a block between Rangvamual and Hunthar in Aizawl,...
The Chin Progressive Party (CPP) has filed a defamation case against Pu Enok, an independent candidate in Kalemyo constituency, Sagaing division for...
Incessant heavy rains have caused floods in Kaladan River in Chin state inundating 80 houses in Paletwa town ...
Strange as it may sound, some military personnel of the Burmese Army’s LIB 268 based in Falam town, northern Chin state have been urging Chin people...
Hundreds of people thronged a public meeting organized by the Chin Progressive Party (CPP) as part of its poll campaign.....
The dichotomy in the ways of the Burmese military junta continues. Even as it woos voters for political parties backed by it, the regime uses.....
Torrential rains and consequent floods have killed two people and destroyed about 200 acres of cultivable land in Thantlang Township,....
The USDP is going all out to ensure victory in the polls. It has donated Kyat one lakh and 200 bags of cement among other things....
A Chin human rights and democracy activist has been awarded the St. Stephen’s human rights award by the Norwegian Mission....
The Election Commission (EC) has re-allowed two USDP candidates, who were banned earlier, to contest from Hakha and Thantlang township....
The Chin National Party (CNP) has urged Chin people to vote only for candidates who prioritize national interests.....
