Chin State tactical commander opens new Buddhist pagoda

Chin State tactical commander opens new Buddhist pagoda
A new Buddhist pagoda in Chin state in Lungler village, Thantlang Township, western Myanmar was inaugurated by Chin State tactical commander No.1 General HungNgai on July 16...

A new Buddhist pagoda in Chin state in Lungler village, Thantlang Township, western Myanmar was inaugurated by Chin State tactical commander No.1 General HungNgai on July 16.
The pagoda was opened in Lungler village, which is an overnight journey from Thantlang Town. The opening ceremony of the pagoda was attended by seven monks, the Chin State Peace and Development Chairman and No (1) tactical commander General HungNgai, said a villager, who attended.
The construction was organized by the Lungler military camp.  Construction work on the pagoda was started in early 2008 by local people. To raise funds for the construction of the pagoda the military camp started brewing and selling alcohol.
"Construction of the pagoda was started in early 2008 by local people. We carried sand, bricks, wood and pebbles and we started to construct it on our own expense," said a local.
The authorities made it mandatory for Lungler villagers to attend the opening ceremony.
"Our village Chairman asked to us to attend the opening of the pagoda at 6 pm last evening. So we went. Local women attended the ceremony. More than 200 local villagers attended the ceremony," said a local villager who participated.
There are 80 per cent Christians living in Chin state yet the authorities put up obstacles in the way of building a new church. But the authorities extend all help to build a new pagoda in any Chin state township.  
This is the third new Pagoda in Thantlang Township.
The Burmese military authorities demolished a Christian cross where they plan to build a pagoda. The cross was set up on the top of Kimo hill, Paletwa Township, Southern Chin State in the month of March 2009.