Kaladan Press

Teknaf, Bangladesh: A group of Malaysia voyager numbering in 156-person have returned back to the Ghat (port) of Shapuri Dip (Island), under Teknaf...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Burma border security force (Nasaka) had been using the recent presidential amnesty as a tool to extort money from...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The new Thein Sein Government in Burma had announced an amnesty to release prisoners where 129 prisoners of northern Arakan...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: The storm moved northeastwards and crossed Teknaf and Arakan coasts yesterday noon, according to a schoolteacher of Maungdaw.
Maungdaw, Arakan State: All the township administration offices from Arakan State are announcing cyclone storm warning to the public today according...
Maungdaw, Burma: A Burma-Bangladesh joint working group of border trade meeting was held in Maungdaw on October 18. It was started at about 10:00 am...
Maungdaw, Arakan state: The Military Intelligent Service officer from Burma border security force (Nasaka) area number 5 and the village...
Chittagong, Bangladesh: The Bangladesh government has decided to apply for membership of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) to escalate its...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) seized more than 3,199 Yaba(methamphetamine) tablets in Teknaf on October 16, said a local elder...
Chittagong, Bangladesh: The newly formed government of Burma has agreed to take back Rohingya refugees currently staying at two refugee camps in Cox'...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Seven Bangladeshi prisoners were granted amnesty by the Burmese government and released from Buthidaung jail on October 15, 2011...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) seized huge quantity of Burmese goods worth taka over 2.5 million along the border on October 16,...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Burmese authority had held a white elephant yesterday evening at about 4:40pm from Haati Para of Lounddon village tract...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The 3rd offering of provisions to monks’ ceremony is going to hold in Maungdaw today evening, according to an official from...
Ukhiya, Bangladesh: The UNHCR unrecognized refugees from Kutupalong makeshift camp have been suffering with several difficulties in the field of...
