Kaladan Press

Burma’s border security force, Nasaka, checked family lists, houses and shops in Maungdaw south recently, according to a Nasaka aide, in Aley Than...
Dr. Tun Aung, the chairman of the Islamic Religious Affairs Council of Maungdaw has been transferred to a Sittwe prison.
Buthidaung, Arakan State: Three Rohingya Muslims died after being tortured in a jail in Buthidaung jail, in early Oct., according to a local trader,...
Buddhist monks demonstrated in Mandalay and Akyab, the capital of Arakan state, to protest the opening of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)...
Heavy rain and strong winds hit northern Arakan State in Burma last night, said a local villager.
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) arrested twenty-two Rohingyas from different border crossings and pushed them back inside Burma...
Mauungdaw, Arakan State: British Ambassador Andrew Heyn and two others travelled from Maungdaw to Rathedaung Township on the morning of October 6 to...
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: A company commander-level flag meeting between the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and Burma’s border security force (Nasaka)...
Rohingya women from Maungdaw south were stopping vehicles today to describe to travelers the looting they endured by security forces and Rakhines,...
Personnel from Burma’s border security force Nasaka arrested three Rakhines today in the midst of an assault on Rohingya fishermen in Ywanyotaung...
An officer of Burma’s border security force, Nasaka, in area No.7 called a meeting with village administrators from Maungdaw south to ask for funds...
The Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) arrested 37 Rohingyas on the Burma-Bangladesh border on 18 September and drove them back into Burma later the same...
A US team visited the official and unofficial Kutupalong refugee camps yesterday to observe the situation of Rohingya refugees, said a refugee...
The Rohingya community in Maungdaw met with Derek J. Mitchell, US Ambassador to Burma, today around 10:30am in Nyoung Chaung village, Maungdaw,...
An army checkpoint was recently established near the Shwe Zaar bridge in Maungdaw Town. The bridge is used by many Rohingya villagers to cross over...
