Muslim Man Charged With Inciting Communal Riots Is Transferred To Sittwe Jail

Muslim Man Charged With Inciting Communal Riots Is Transferred To Sittwe Jail
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Dr. Tun Aung, the chairman of the Islamic Religious Affairs Council of Maungdaw has been transferred to a Sittwe prison.

Dr. Tun Aung was sentenced to three-years for inciting communal riots, and six other charges; including having a mobile phone with a SIM card from Bangladesh, and possessing  100 Chinese Yuan (US $ 15.90), which authorities claim is violation of Section 24 (1) of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act.

He’s suffering from a pituitary tumor, which requires regular medication, but is denied medical treatment. Currently, Dr. Tun Aung is being held in solitary confinement, and his family concerned about his health, aren’t even allowed to visit him.

The military-backed government in Burma is still using torture and arbitrary arrest against civilians, despite implementing reform measures in the country, according to Burma Campaign UK. Dr. Tun Aung’s trial is still ongoing.