The Burma Border Security Force (Nasaka) have been using a new system to disturb villagers during the night since last month, said a village elder from Maungdaw...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Burma Border Security Force (Nasaka) have been using a new system to disturb villagers during the night since last month, said a village elder from Maungdaw.
“The Nasaka has imposed a new system where the villagers must beat things which make noise frequently after 10 p.m.,” the elder said.
“The villagers are not able to sleep at night because of the noise which is made every hour starting from 10 p.m.”
“We buy bamboo which makes a loud sound when we beat it. It cost me 500 kyat,” said a villager from Shweza village.
“The owners of concrete homes have to beat on tin or buckets, as per the orders of the Nasaka,” the villager said.
In Shweza Village Tract, every house has to beat something which makes noise, and the religious people have to remind the villagers to beat every hour through loudspeakers at the mosques, said a student from Maungdaw.
“Major Nay Myo, the Nasaka commander of sector no. 6 issued the order to the village authorities to do this to protect villages against thieves, but it’s making it impossible for elderly persons and children to sleep.”
“In the Shweza Village Tract, there is Aungmagala Village where the Rakhine community is living. But they are not included in this program.”
“If anyone is unable to beat anything to make noise, they will be fined, and could be kept in the Nasaka camp for one day,” said a village authority member.
“If this program continues for long time, the whole village could be ill from not sleeping well. Their survival will be harmed as they will not be able to work during the day.”