In keeping with its manner of functioning, the Burmese military junta in Kachin State is once again on an unlicensed vehicle seizing spree, this time to generate funds...
In keeping with its manner of functioning, the Burmese military junta in Kachin State is once again on an unlicensed vehicle seizing spree, this time to generate funds for the ensuing elections. The confiscated cars and motorcycles will be sent to the country’s capital Naypyitaw, said residents.
Regime officials have seized at least 1,000 motorcycles and about 100 cars till now, said locals.
In Kachin State the junta has offered to provide license within a short span and since early July started seizing unlicensed vehicles.
The authorities are forcing owners of cars and motorcycles to sign on a paper saying “I am happy to donate to my country”, said a university student from Waingmaw Township.
“I tried to take back my motorcycle but they (authorities) asked me to sign on the paper. I had no choice and I signed and lost my motorbike. I don’t know what to tell my mother,” the student added.
Traffic policemen have been told to target big cities of Kachin State such as Myitkyina, Waingmaw and Bhamo for seizing unlicensed vehicles, said local people.
Kachin State locals buy China made motorcycles coming through the border check point by paying about 400,000 Kyats (US$417). And the junta is charging 200,000 Kyats (US$208) as license fees. So, most people are unable to get a license.
Seizure of two wheelers is a periodic phenomenon by the military government and it has been stepped up since last year. Seized unlicensed vehicles are despatched to the jungle capital Naypyitaw.
“At every corner and junction the traffic police are seizing unlicensed motorcycles,” said the university student.
A source close to the military government said the authorities were trying to raise funds for the forthcoming 2010 general elections by providing license for large sums of money and confiscating unlicensed vehicles at the same time.
All government departments in Naypyitaw have always been involved in raising funds, whenever the need arises from Kachin State in myriad ways. It is becoming a common phenomenon, said residents.