
April 21, 2023
Only 18 of the 168 people massacred in the Myanmar junta airstrike on Pazigyi Village on 11 April were members of people’s defence forces (PDFs) or...
April 20, 2023
422 Myanmar junta soldiers were killed and 258 were injured in 373 armed conflicts in areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU), during the...
April 20, 2023
Russia is using Myanmar’s pipeline to deliver oil to a refinery in China’s Yunnan province, according to a report in Energy Intelligence on 17 April...
April 19, 2023
Despite ENEOS Holdings announcing that its withdrawal from the Yetagun gas project in Myanmar had been “approved” on 13 April, there are serious...
April 19, 2023
The Acting President of the National Unity Government (NUG) delivered an address to Myanmar on the second-anniversary celebrations of their...
April 18, 2023
The National Unity Government (NUG) celebrated its second anniversary on 16 April, but it still has to try to gain international recognition as the...
April 18, 2023
Traders in Rakhine State claims that the border trade with Bangladesh has declined due to US dollar shortage there as the banks could not sell the...
April 12, 2023
Over 10,000 residents of the Shwe Kokko area of Myawaddy Township in Kayin State have fled from their villages to Thailand because of an increase in...
April 12, 2023
More than 100 people were killed during an air strike carried out by the Myanmar junta in Pazigyi Village, located in Kantbalu Township in Sagaing...
April 11, 2023
Resistance forces attacked Maelan Border Guard Force (BGF) camp and killed two BGF officers in the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade (1) area in...
April 10, 2023
ASEAN’s current Secretary General has met with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Myanmar to discuss the Five-Point Consensus and...
April 10, 2023
Myanmar’s National Unity Government (NUG) has expressed concern over the Thai authorities handing over three members of the People’s Defence Forces...