Bilin Township BGF camp attacked

Bilin Township BGF camp attacked

Resistance forces attacked Maelan Border Guard Force (BGF) camp and killed two BGF officers in the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade (1) area in Bilin Township, Mon State on 9 April.

The camp, which was manned by BGF and Myanmar junta army troops, came under a drone attack that killed two BGF officers and injured many others at about 10:50 a.m. on 9 April, according to a spokesperson of the Kyaikto Revolution force (KRF), one of the defence forces involved in the attack. They added that the resistance force fighters all managed to retreat without suffering any casualties.

According to the spokesperson the defence forces included in the attack included the KNU’s armed wing, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the Kyaikto Revolution Force (KRF) and the Pa’O People’s Defence Force-Kham Dom (PPDF-KD).

There has been frequent fighting between the KNLA and joint defence forces in KNU Brigade (1) areas since the February 2021 coup.

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