Independent Mon News Agency

October 30, 2020
On October 26th, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) announced that political parties can now campaign in 24 villages in the Taung Pauk area, and other...
October 20, 2020
The police arrested and prosecuted a member of the Mon Peace Defense Force/Mon People’s Militia who shot and killed a New Mon State Party (NMSP)...
October 14, 2020
Two members of the KNU/KNLA-PC were arrested and detained for drug distribution by the NMSP in Karen State, Kawkareik township, near the Min Ywa...
October 14, 2020
Banyar Sai — Drug trafficking has increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. In response the Mon Area Community Development Organization (MACDO), based...
October 6, 2020
Min Nyae Kha — The Mon Unity Party (MUP) has set a policy for its representatives in the respective Hluttaws, to focus on promoting drug prevention...
October 3, 2020
Yan Lin Aung — Civilians in the NMSP-controlled areas do not have National Registration Cards (NRC). According to Nai Banyar Lae, New Mon State Party...
October 3, 2020
Sai Oo — The Karen National Union (KNU) General-Secretary Saw Ta Doh Moo told the Mon News Agency that the Tatmadaw has expanded its forces within...
October 3, 2020
Sai Oo — Ethnic Armed Organizations that signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, do not hold the same views as their members in terms of voting in...
October 3, 2020
Banyar Aung — “There is no way to form a government for ethnic minorities in this country.” Author, Kyaw Win, says under the current constitution,...
September 12, 2020
Mon political analyst, Nai Banyar Gagyawgi, predicts that the powerful parties will not win in the upcoming general election. He predicts that a...
September 5, 2020
The New Mon State Party (NMSP) issued a critical statement on the 73rd Mon Revolution day, arguing that there have been more restrictions on...
August 24, 2020
The Chair of the New Mon State Party, (NMSP) Nai Hong Sar, told reporters at the fourth Meeting of the 21st Century Peace Conference, that the next...