NMSP allows election campaigning in their area, with restrictions

NMSP allows election campaigning in their area, with restrictions

On October 26th, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) announced that political parties can now campaign in 24 villages in the Taung Pauk area, and other  NMSP controlled areas in Kyar Inn Seik Gyi Township, Kayin State.

Permission will be granted but with the restriction that no more  than 30 people may gather for the purposes of campaigning, and they must be in accordance with the guidelines of the health department.

Prior to this statement, members of political parties from other townships were not allowed to campaign in the 24 villages in Taung Pauk, and there were restrictions on the movement of people to reduce the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus.

The restriction of no more than seven people permitted in a car in the area remains in effect.

In addition, if individuals return from any areas where there is a  “Stay at Home” order in place, they must obtain a travel permit from the nearest NMSP office. Individuals must also  inform relevant township and village administration offices of their presence, and must stay in home quarantine for 7 days.

The New Mon State Party’s (NMSP) Covid 19 Control and Emergency Response Committee Center maintains hits ruling that civil society organizations (aka community based organizations CBO’s, non-governmental organizations NGO, or international NGOs) will not be granted entry into the NMSP controlled areas except for the delivery of health care services related to C-19. This restriction has been in effect since September 11 due to a second wave of Covid 19 infections  accelerating across the country.

In related news, the Election Commission and the Ministry of Health and Sports are negotiating for polling stations to enable the  general election scheduled for November 8, 2020 to proceed. The Minister signed an agreement allowing more than 30 people to gather solely for the purposes of the election date.

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