Independent Mon News Agency

A fire separated in Zin Kyaik Town, Paung Township
November 12, 2022
A fire broke out in Kon Chan Gone Ward of Zin Kyaik Town, Paung Township, Mon state on the morning of November 10. Eight houses were destroyed and...
Children from government schools
November 9, 2022
Due to the worsening of the military conflict in Ye township in southern Mon State, there are less numbers of students attending the government basic...
November 4, 2022
Last month, after the well known Mon State’ pagoda, Golden Rock or Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda’s a hiking bus was shot, so the number of tourists visiting...
October 28, 2022
HURFOM Released a Report Entitled "The Junta Wipe Us Out Again" Reflecting the Economic and Human Rights Situation in Southeast Myanmar Since the...
October 27, 2022
After the Financial Action Task Force (on Money Laundering) (FATF) added Myanmar to the blacklist, the price of palm oil in the state market has...
October 27, 2022
Accordingly a research report on the public understanding on Federalism, released by a Mon research group, Rehmonnya Institute for Civic Engagement...
October 26, 2022
The Mon State Interim Coordinating Committee (MSICC) issued a statement strongly condemning the Military Council’s Air Force jets’ aerial bombardment...
October 26, 2022
On October 24, the Mon State Interim Coordinating Committee (MSICC) announced that they strongly condemned the act of terrorism in which...
Formerly opened at Mawlamyine Public Hospital, the center for receiving Covid-19 patients
October 25, 2022
Since September, confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been found in Mon State, and there is a problem of time delay in transporting them to the hospital...
October 24, 2022
After Burma (Myanmar) was put in the black list of the international anti-money laundry monitoring group, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), it made...
October 19, 2022
A Mon National College (MNC), which is established in the area under the control of the New Mon State Party (NMSP), started teaching two months ago...
Entrance to Three Pagoda Pass (Payathonsu) border town, from Thailand
October 18, 2022
Due to frequent clashes between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) joint forces and the (State Administrative Council – SAC) military forces...