Two-day free transportation and accommodation are arranged for Kyaik Htee Yoe Pilgrims

Two-day free transportation and accommodation are arranged for Kyaik Htee Yoe Pilgrims

Last month, after the well known Mon State’ pagoda, Golden Rock or Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda’s a hiking bus was shot, so the number of tourists visiting Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda dropped.

Therefore, in order to attract them back, the visitors to Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda in Kyaik HtoTownship, Mon State are being arranged for free hiking bus fee and accommodation costs for two days, according to the Pagoda Board of Trustees.

According to U Soe Hla, the leader of the board of trustees, it has been arranged for those who have come to visit the Golden Rock Pagoda, to have free accommodation in the mountain camps, guest houses and even hotels, and the mountain vehicle fare on the 3rd and 4th of November.

The leader of the pagoda trustees added that this arrangement was made as a re-invitation to the lack of pilgrims.

“They are acting as a re-invitation to the pilgrims. The board of trustees, hotels and restaurant operators, restaurant owners, and market vendors all discussed and acted,” said U Soe Hla.

During these two days, all pilgrims will be provided free transportation by the Kyaik Htee Yoe Mountaineering Vehicle Association from Kin-moon Camp at lower base up to the Pagoda Square, and they will be able to stay in hotels, guesthouses, and trust-owned Buddhist buildings, including the Yoe Yoe Lay hotel on the square.

According to the board of trustees, food will be donated at the Kyaik Htee Yoe Mountaineering Vehicle Terminal and Square in Kin-moon Camp.

The official of the Board of Trustees also said that the security for the Kyaik Htee Yoe pilgrims has been increased in cooperation with the relevant departments.

Last October 12, a shooting occurred near the mountain vehicle gate in King Moon Camp, killing 3 female pilgrims and injuring at least 10 pilgrims.

According to people who live in the vicinity of Kyaik Htee Yoe, Kyaik Htee Yoe has had very few visitors since the shooting happened.

There is no security for the people due to the constant fighting between the KNU Brigade (1) joint forces and the Myanmar Army in the areas of Thathong, Belin, and Kyaik Hto townships in

Northern Mon State. There are people who have fled and become displaced after fighting among the armed groups.

The income from the Kyaik Hto Pilgrimage Tourism in Kyaik Hto Township of Mon State is a major source of income for the Military Council’s Ministry of Religion.

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