Independent Mon News Agency

Mawlamyine Airport
December 3, 2022
According to the officials from the Myanmar Air Division, the new Mawlamyine- Yangon flight will start operating on December 5. It will be operated...
Night view of Mawlamyine (FB)
December 2, 2022
Due to the increase in robberies and thieveries, the local residents initiated self-help sentry duty to protect from property loss and security in...
December 2, 2022
This year, the 11th Mon Youth Day celebration is scheduled to be held in the area under the control of the New Mon State Party, according to the Mon...
November 28, 2022
Photo Caption - Mon Woman Organization (MWO) has been actively involved in women’s rights The women’s rights have been openly violated in Mon State...
Moulmein (Mawlamyine) Central Bus Station
November 26, 2022
There are less passengers on the highway lines running from Mon State to other States and Divisions, so some bus companies have to stop and some...
November 24, 2022
Ye Bluu Armed Group, a local people defense force (PDF), announced that they shot and killed a Station Police Chief and two policemen from Ye City...
A Mon monastery hit by Burmese Army’s mortar shells.
November 22, 2022
A clash broke out between the two sides when KNLA (Karen National Liberation Army) Joint Force attacked the police station in Taung Kalay Village,...
Kyaikmayaw Central Prison
November 21, 2022
In Mon State, there are 187 prisoners who have been released with amnesty and among them 37 persons are political prisoners, those are sentenced...
Currently, the students are studying in bamboo huts
November 21, 2022
Although a Mon National College was opened in Nyi Sar camp in the area under the control of the New Mon State Party (NMSP), and the students have...
Makhatha village monastery was burned down by SAC’s airstrikes on 6 thOctober
November 17, 2022
The jet fighters of Burmese Army or SAC airforce bombed over the key business area of Thapyu antimony mine in the territory of the 6th brigade of the...
Youths in Mawlamyine city involved in anti-coup demonstration in March 2022
November 16, 2022
In the shooting that took place in Zeya Thiri Ward No. 3 of Daing Wun Gwin Area, Mawlamyine city, Mon State, two members of the military council were...
 A Mon National School, attended by Mon children
November 14, 2022
The National Education Law amended by the military junta, Stata Administrative Council (SAC), has been criticized as implementing the ideology of...