March 5, 2012
Ms K’nyaw Paw an executive member of the Karen Women’s Organization and Presidium Board Member of Women's League of Burma told Karen News that is...
March 5, 2012
Karen ethnic organizations, from both inside Burma and overseas, attended a conference organized by the Karen Worldwide alliance. The conference ran...
March 5, 2012
The recent ‘ceasefire talks’ between a Karen National Union and Burma government delegations resulted in representatives from Karen organizations...
March 5, 2012
| Mizzima
Saying she felt dizzy and tired, Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi stopped her speech here on Saturday before the biggest crowd yet in her...
March 5, 2012
The government of Burma agreed that it will talk with the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) this week in neighboring China, after the two sides...
March 5, 2012
| Khonumthung
A motion to set up a special committee for banning opium plantations submitted by the Chin National party (CNP) in northern Chin state, Burma was...
March 5, 2012
| Kaladan
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Maungdaw Township administration officer ordered village administration officers to strictly follow restrictions while...
March 3, 2012
| Kaladan
Chaing Mai, Thailand: Burma’s political problem can be solved by political means according to Dr. KhinMaung, the Central Committee member and Deputy...
March 2, 2012
The NMSP will join with other ceasefire groups to participate in the coming political dialogue with the government, according to party sources.
March 2, 2012
| Mizzima
The NLD is still experiencing problems in obtaining appropriate venues to hold campaign rallies, which calls into question the fairness of the...
March 2, 2012
| Mizzima
U Myint, an economic adviser to Burmese President Thein Sein, has delivered an overview of how to utilize international aid funds, which are expected...
March 2, 2012
| Jury Chai
The Burmese government wants to re-construct the Death Railway along the Thai-Burma border which could not be finished by the fascist Japanese during...
March 2, 2012
| S.H.A.N
There can be no strong union if the constituent states are weak, the recently released political prisoner and leader of the de-registered Shan...
March 2, 2012
| Mizzima
The head of PTT, Thailand’s state-owned energy company, said on Thursday that Burma is open to using a coal-fired power plant for a planned $8.6...
March 2, 2012
| Mizzima
A European Union delegation to Burma says some sanctions could be lifted on Burma following a free and fair April 1 by-election, and the key to...