Motion for special committee against opium rejected by assembly

Motion for special committee against opium rejected by assembly
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A motion  to set up a special committee for banning opium plantations submitted by the Chin National party (CNP) in northern Chin state, Burma was rejected by the third assembly, at the state level, between 24 to 26 February in Hakha, the capital of the state.

The motion was submitted by PuZozam, state Hluttaw representative from Teddim Township and Chairman of the CNP, to ban opium plantations in the state.

A state minister said in the assembly that the state government’s Department of Narcotics Control is co-operating with international NGOs. So the state government finds there is no need to form a special committee to root out opium plantations, SalaiCeu Bik Thawng, CNP General Secretary said.

Opium plantations exist in Cikha Sub-township of Ton Zang Township, Ton Zang Township and Teddim Township of northern Chin state and opium consumption is on the increase among local youths, he added.

“We are threatened by this and this is a very dangerous issue in our society. The local youths are involved in opium plantation fields and some have become addicts after testing opium seed,” said SalaiThawng.

The CNP believes that a special committee needs to be formed to tackle these issues.

“I believe we will succeed in forming a special committee to get rid of opium plantations in the state. The committee should comprise representatives of the local government, the central government, international NGOs and religious bodies,” SalaiThawng said.

The CNP estimates that over a thousand acres of opium are under cultivation in the state. However, the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) says in its report in 2011 that only ten hectors (24 acres) were under cultivation.

The UNODC report was based its own investigation.  However, it is suspected that many more opium plantations could exist.

Agricultural crops are not profitable in northern Chin state, so, farmers are cultivating opium. Domestic animal husbandry should be implemented in a big way in the region to stop opium cultivation, said SalaiThawng.

“The local people do not want to go for opium plantation, but since there is a lack of good agricultural crops they opt for opium,” according to SalaiThawng.

The government issued a statement in March 2011 that said 15021.75 acres of opium were destroyed in the region.