
October 14, 2014
Myanmar need only point from their final Group A fixture against the already eliminated Iran at Thuwunna Stadium on October 13 to qualify for the...
October 14, 2014
Six Myanmar companies will receive awards in a ceremony at the ASEAN Business Awards 2014 that aims to promote public-private partnerships and...
October 14, 2014
People-smugglers kidnapped dozens of Rohingya refugees living in Bangladesh after duping them with fake job offers, and trafficked them to a rubber...
October 13, 2014
Despite forming a joint monitoring committee to oversea the peace process in Karenni State the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) and the...
October 13, 2014
With drug dealing and drug use increasing in 2014 law and order should be strictly enforced said U Khin Maung Oo, the Karenni State Prime Minister,...
October 13, 2014
Fighting occurred between the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) and the Burmese Army on 10th October, forcing Karen villagers to flee.
October 13, 2014
An artillery shell killed four and wounded nine civilians travelling on the Myawaddy – Kawkareik road – a major trading route from Thailand. An...
October 13, 2014
Business tycoons who own big hotels are restricting at least 28 restaurants owned by locals on Ngapali Beach in Arakan from selling food to tourists...
October 13, 2014
The Arakan National Party (ANP) has received doctrines from reputed monks, senior Arakanese political leaders and well-wishers recently in an...
October 13, 2014
Mon language teachers, as well as other ethnic language instructors, teaching in Mon State government schools are being provided with monthly...
October 13, 2014
Ma Kyel Yi Lin Six, journalist, accomplished novelist, screenwriter for Myanmar Motion Picture Organisation and one of three directors of the short...
October 13, 2014
Thai authorities arrested 53 Rohingya migrants and two suspected Thai traffickers en route to neighbouring Malaysia on 11th October, an official said.
October 13, 2014
A training program funded by the European Union is gradually bringing positive change to the image of the Myanmar Police Force (MPF) and its...
October 13, 2014
Yangon - The construction of Kyaukpyu Deep Sea Port, Rakhine State, has been completed, but its depth will not currently accommodate an oil tanker...
October 13, 2014
Lord David Puttnam, producer of internationally acclaimed films such as ‘The Killing Fields’, concluded a two day visit as a UK Trade Envoy to...
