
March 4, 2009
Moulmein authorities recently held an auction of seized cars and motorbikes, but sales were low despite cheap prices. Buyers were reportedly wary of...
March 4, 2009
A bilingual education program teaching in Mon and Thai languages near Sangkhlaburi, Thailand was recently featured as a model example during a...
March 4, 2009
Authorities are updating family lists and conducting an “economic revenue inquest” in Three Pagodas Pass Township, near the Thai-Burma border. The...
March 4, 2009
A machine, which can produce methamphetamine tablets to be smuggled into Burma through the border, was seized in Mae Sai by the Thai Army last...
March 4, 2009
Maj-Gen Soe Win, the northern regional or Kachin State command commander of the Burmese ruling junta has amassed a huge amount of money by fleecing...
March 4, 2009
Twenty five independent candidates set to contest in the Burmese military junta's proposed general elections scheduled for 2010, have formed a...
March 4, 2009
Cyclone Nargis victims in Labutta Township, Irrawaddy Division badly need potable water, a relief team said today that. The villagers of 35 villages...
March 4, 2009
Bangladesh reopened its transit border port with Burma yesterday after it was closed for three days because of a mutiny that erupted in the...
March 2, 2009
Kachin leaders are all set to register a new political party of ethnic Kachins in northern Burma to contest the 2010 general elections announced by...
March 2, 2009
The Home Minister of Mizoram state, Mr. R. Lalzirliana said that Burmese people into criminal activity will be handed over to the Myanmar military...
March 2, 2009
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has been collecting family lists from the Rohingya community in Maungdaw Township, since February 26...
March 2, 2009
A new report by the U S state department said opium production, cultivation of poppy and the number of opium farmers have once again soared in Burma...
March 2, 2009
The Kanbauk to Myaing Kalay gas pipeline burst on February 18th. According to local sources, the pipeline had been leaking for months. The gas did...
March 2, 2009
Three months after over 1,000 shops were destroyed in a fire at Moulmein’s second largest market, Mon State authorities have agreed to a contract...
February 28, 2009
There was exchange of gunfire on February 18 between Burmese Army troops and a drug trafficking gang operating in Meng Peng region, Shan State in the...
