
May 25, 2009
Thai security officials on Sunday took pictures and kept a watched on participants of a peaceful demonstration in protest of the charges against...
May 25, 2009
The Communist Party of Burma (CPB) has issued a statement saying a lightning protest movement against the trial of Aung San Suu Kyi should be...
May 25, 2009
To prevent border conflicts the Bangladesh Foreign Minister Ms Dipu Moni has proposed regular meetings between the border security forces of the two...
May 25, 2009
In the evening session of May 22 (approximately 6 o’clock in the morning of Burma time), while the Conference of UN Permanent Forum for Indigenous...
May 25, 2009
The phenomenon of bamboo flowering – a famine, which began in 2006 has been plaguing the Chin people year after year. Currently, they need relief...
May 25, 2009
Expressing concern over opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s ongoing trial, the 15-member United Nations Security Council issued a statement on May...
May 25, 2009
The Burma Army has insisted that Saraburi, a subsidiary of Ital-Thai, should construct a 150 km road through a rebel-active territory, despite the...
May 25, 2009
Monks in Arakan State are facing severe restrictions imposed by the Burmese junta authorities, while travelling to Rangoon or Burma proper from...
May 23, 2009
Burma's Foreign Minister, Nyan Win, has denied allegations that the regime has framed its case against Aung San Suu Kyi, arguing instead that it was...
May 23, 2009
The United Wa State Army, one of Burma’s strongest ethnic armed rebel groups, which had a ceasefire agreement with the ruling junta, has said they...
May 23, 2009
The Burmese military junta authorities in Kalemyo have put the police department, fire department, power department and the United Solidarity and...
May 23, 2009
Each and every order from the Burmese military junta authorities to local administrators is tantamount to extorting money from civilians in different...
May 23, 2009
Entering Bangladesh illegally along the border, has become a risky proposition for the Rohingya community, as concerned authorities arrest and push...
May 23, 2009
Two people were arrested and about 200 pieces of banned Yaba tablets were seized from Dumdum Mia by the police, while they were being smuggled to...
May 23, 2009
Five Burmese Army soldiers and policemen were said to have been killed in a clash with the Shan State Army (SSA-South) on May 21, the 51st...
