Burma and Bangladesh agree to boost ties

Burma and Bangladesh agree to boost ties
by -
Moe Thu
To prevent border conflicts the Bangladesh Foreign Minister Ms Dipu Moni has proposed regular meetings between the border security forces of the two countries during her four-day trip to Burma in the second week of May, said a diplomatic source...

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – To prevent border conflicts the Bangladesh Foreign Minister Ms Dipu Moni has proposed regular meetings between the border security forces of the two countries during her four-day trip to Burma in the second week of May, said a diplomatic source.

During her, May 14 to 17, official visit to Burma Moni met Burmese Prime Minister General Thein Sein and other ministers and discussed bilateral relation between the two countries.

“She proposed regular meetings between the heads of border security forces between the two countries during the meeting with Home Affairs Minister Major General Maung Oo,” the source said.

A dispute erupted between the two countries, in late 2008, regarding control over the offshore oil blocks in the Bay of Bengal. But the dispute ebbed when a Burmese naval ship withdrew from the Bay.

The Bangladesh minister also raised the border issue and explained Bangladesh’s position on fencing the border by Burmese authorities.

During the visit, Moni also met Energy Minister Brigadier General Lun Thi and discussed cooperation between the two countries relating to hydro electricity, energy and gas sectors.

The source said the foreign minister proposed setting up of fertilizer plants on either side to produce fertilizer from the gas in Shwe gas fields in western Burma’s Arakan State, bordering Bangladesh.

Both countries agreed to boost bilateral trade to US$ 500 million in the fiscal year 2009-2010, up from US$ 140 million at present, the source said.

“Both sides will also exchange delegations to chalk out a commercial route between the two countries to promote bilateral trade,” said the source, adding that the plan includes building road and establishment of costal commercial navigation.