
May 16, 2008
The top United Nations aid official will visit Burma soon to see if he can pressure the ruling generals to speed up the relief effort for survivors...
May 16, 2008
New Delhi – Burma's main opposition party – the National League for Democracy – said the results of the May 10 referendum lack credibility and...
May 16, 2008
Burmese military junta authorities in Mongton township, opposite Chiangmai, have demanded that Wa residents along the Thai-Burma border return their...
May 16, 2008
Overseas Shans are organizing a direct aid programme for thousands of Shan residents in Rangoon division who are among the victims of Cyclone Nargis...
May 16, 2008
Three villagers were inundated after local Burmese military authorities forced them to make a raft and many other people were forced to clear the...
May 16, 2008
The local authorities of the Burmese junta resorted to threats and intimidation of voters from some townships in northwest Burma during the...
May 15, 2008
New Delhi – Burma's draft constitution was overwhelmingly approved by voters, state radio announced Thursday.
May 15, 2008
There is nothing better that the Burmese military junta understands than raking in moolah, even if it means deforestation and massive damage to the...
May 15, 2008
New Delhi - The United Nations on Thursday made fresh calls to Burma's military rulers to allow international aid workers to access cyclone-affected...
May 15, 2008
The Burmese military junta is instrumental in making a mockery of human tragedy. Over 100,000 lives were lost and two million rendered homeless by...
May 15, 2008
Hundreds of villagers from seven villages have begun to flee because the Shan State Army (South) wants to recruit new members into its army, said...
May 15, 2008
The European Union's top aid official will try to see first hand the extent of damage from Cyclone Nargis while discussing the matter of access to...
May 15, 2008
Cyclone survivors in a Rangoon suburb have been ordered out of a temporary shelter so that it can be used as a polling station on May 24.
May 14, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State: A Rohingya disappeared after Burma's border security force took him into custody for being in possession of anti-referendum...
May 14, 2008
The countrywide referendum on the draft constitution of the Burmese military junta on May 10, 2008 has been politically supported by all Kachin...
