Hundreds of villagers running away for fear of SSA's recruitment drive

Hundreds of villagers running away for fear of SSA's recruitment drive
by -
Khun Aung Myat
Hundreds of villagers from seven villages have begun to flee because the Shan State Army (South) wants to recruit new members into its army, said villagers.

Hundreds of villagers from seven villages have begun to flee because the Shan State Army (South) wants to recruit new members into its army, said villagers.

The recruitment order come from battalion No. 361 under the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS). Villagers have been running from their homes in Maukmae and Seasai Township in southern Shan State, said a villager.

"The order came with the RCSS's seal on May 8. Only men between 18 and 45 years are meant to be recruited by the army but now it seems even boys of the ages of 12, 13, 14 and 18 years are in their list. So villagers panicked and began running away. Now, there are no men in our village," he added.

There are five villages including Bangmat village tract, Naungkong, Longkyauk, Pinyann, Narhe, Bangtaphat village. Capt. Toung Leng from RCSS came to Bangmat village headman and discussed details with him.

"They didn't call every body. They compiled the recruiting list on the basis of the family list. They list contained the name, age, father's name and they sent it to the villages. The village headman can't do anything because villagers have been running to Seasai, Naunghtao and Saikhkauk. Only women and elderly people remain in the villages where there used ton be 300 villagers."

This is the time for cultivation. By recruiting the RCSS is creating problems for the villagers forcing them to run away from their homes, said a villager.

"It is our policy. Everybody who lives in Shan State and is of the age of 18 to 45 years must serve in the army for five years. Therefore, we are recruiting new members. If there are a father and son in a family, one must join the army. The policy is for all ethnics living in Shan State," Capt. Sai Hsai Moi, a spokesperson from SSA-S said.

The regions are under control of Shan State People' Liberation Organization. Shan State Army (south), Burma Army and Pa-O Liberation Organization are also active in these areas.