
June 16, 2008
Teknaf , Bangladesh : The Customs in Teknaf seized contraband at Teknaf Land port on June 11, at about 10:30 p.m. when goods, were being unloaded,...
June 14, 2008
An artillery battalion of the Burmese army confiscated a herd of cattle from local merchants in the name of collecting funds for the cyclone-hit...
June 14, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma's border security force, Nasaka, collected paddy seeds for seedlings for the cyclone victims, from Maungdaw and...
June 13, 2008
Mon rebels of the Monland Restoration Party (MRP) said it lost three soldiers included a major and four guns in a recent fire fight with Burma Army...
June 13, 2008
New Delhi: Incessant heavy rain since early morning of Thursday triggered landslides in Burma's ruby city killing 22 people. Eight people are missing...
June 13, 2008
Chinese oil dealers in Myitkyina Township the capital of Kachin State in Northern Burma are being fleeced by the police, who are extorting money from...
June 13, 2008
New Delhi – Local Burmese military junta authorities in cyclone-hit Kungyankone, Rangoon Division have begun seizing video and still cameras. At...
June 12, 2008
The Burmese military junta has assigned over two dozen intelligence officials to accompany a joint mission of the Tripartite Core Group to access the...
June 12, 2008
Two Burmese soldiers were killed in their barrack after more then 20 rounds were fired in the military base of Three Pagoda Pass last night.
June 12, 2008
The Burmese soldier, providing security to Chinese inspectors at the Myitsone dam project of the Burma-Asia World Co., Lt. in Irrawaddy River...
June 11, 2008
Lt. Gen Ye Myint the head of the Special Operation Bureau (1) has been asked to put in his papers because of his son's alleged involvement in illicit...
June 11, 2008
Though the Burmese military junta has introduced free school education at the primary level, it has left the schools and its teachers in the lurch...
June 11, 2008
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Five Bangladeshi nationals, detained for two months in a Burmese jail, were handed over yesterday at noon to the Bangladesh...
June 11, 2008
Teknaf, Bangladesh : Five Bangladeshi nationals, detained for two months in a Burmese jail, were handed over yesterday at noon to the Bangladesh...
June 10, 2008
All jade miners in Phakant in Kachin State , northern Burma have to contribute to the fund for Cyclone Nargis victims in the devastated Irrawaddy...
