
August 26, 2008
The Burmese Army battalion has banned residents of three villages in southern Burma from going to their plantations not only during the day but also...
August 25, 2008
The plans harboured by local youths for a peaceful procession demanding the release of five youths detained by the authorities in Taungup were foiled...
August 25, 2008
Two riot police personnel were stabbed to death and two others were critically injured on Friday in an altercation with local youth in Sittwe, the...
August 25, 2008
The UN operations in Burma, despite the varied outcome, is worth solid support from the people of Burma whose needs are such any assistance, big or...
August 25, 2008
Kachin leaders have decided to resolve the socio-economic problems plaguing the Kachin community in Northern Burma at a three-day meeting from August...
August 22, 2008
The 'Foreign Exchange Certificate' price has shot up and touched the highest mark in three months in the Burmese black foreign currency market.
August 22, 2008
Prominent Burmese rights groups have lambasted the efforts of the United Nations in Burma, going so far as to accuse the U.N. of intentionally...
August 22, 2008
Five hostels in Kaw Thaung Tenasserim Division where a majority of migrant workers stayed before they entered Thailand have been ordered to close...
August 21, 2008
A two-day discussion between urban Burmese refugees and UNHCR officials on refugee security, resettlement, health care, and education was concluded...
August 21, 2008
A highly revered Buddhist monk, arrested by the Burmese junta and detained for playing a key role during last year's September protests was charged...
August 21, 2008
Ethnic armed groups are disappointed with the current visit of Ibrahim Gambari, the United Nations special envoy to Burma. They said their...
August 21, 2008
Buthidaung, Arakan State: The Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC), or Mayaka of Buthidaung Township confiscated about 280 acres of paddy...
August 21, 2008
The World Food Program is to organize a follow up meeting on the food crisis in Chin state at the UNDP meeting hall in Rangoon, Burma on August 25.
August 21, 2008
Famine plaguing Chin state in western Burma killed 44 children after they were afflicted by malnutrition and diarrhea, according to Chin National...
August 21, 2008
The Ethnic armed group, New Mon State Party received a complaint from local people because its development department officer had confiscated...
