
August 18, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State: A Rohingya was shot dead by a gang of unidentified miscreants when he was sleeping at home on August 11, at about 1:30 pm ...
August 18, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Shrimp projects have been destroying many paddy fields in Maungdaw Township, and resulting in insufficient paddy for people...
August 18, 2008
University students in Northern Burma are up in arms against the Burmese Army in Kachin State yet again. Early this morning, university students...
August 18, 2008
The Mudon Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) has ordered farmers to replant the good yielding variety of paddy "Shwe Bo 1" in the special...
August 18, 2008
Three passengers were killed and several injured when a mini-bus plying on the Kalay –Monywa road in northwest Burma met with an accident near Kalay...
August 18, 2008
New Delhi - Four university students belonging to Monywa town of Sagaing division upper Burma, who were arrested last week for a fight, were produced...
August 16, 2008
New Delhi — Authorities have heightened security in Monywa University in Sagaing Division of upper Burma, after a university student was killed in a...
August 16, 2008
The anti-alcohol committee in Thangtlang town in Chin state, western Burma issued a new order restricting trafficking of liquor and other alcoholic...
August 16, 2008
An old grenade without the pin was found at the Tax Office in Augn Ku-dhou quarter, Thanpyuzayart town, Mon state, Burma yesterday. There are four...
August 15, 2008
Chiang Mai – The seven protesters who staged a demonstration against the fuel price hike were brought under new charges today by the military regime.
August 15, 2008
Burma 's citizens will soon be the beneficiaries of a new $440,000 investment into vaccination facilities inside the country.
August 15, 2008
Chiang Mai – A human rights activist under detention was produced before court yesterday, but family members are worried as they were not allowed to...
August 15, 2008
New Delhi - In an act of recognition, Indonesia has invited five Burmese Members of Parliament elected in 1990, to its 63rd Independence Day...
August 15, 2008
New Delhi - The United Nations on Thursday admitted that over the past three months about USD 1.56 million of aid money for victims of Cyclone Nargis...
August 15, 2008
China purchased typical Burmese jade paying higher prices from a Sino-Burma border jade market before the Beijing Olympic Games on August 8, Burmese...
