
October 9, 2008
An Arakanese soldier was killed in an encounter with Burmese Army soldiers after he killed two army officers on Saturday at a base in Taikkyi...
October 9, 2008
An already struggling Burmese tourism industry is now facing additional hardship on the heels of the global economy's downward spiral sparked by the...
October 9, 2008
Nine trucks transporting Chinese manufactured goods were seized by the police in Momauk Towship, Kachin State on the Lwejie-Bamao trade route along...
October 8, 2008
A government warning to people of possible contamination from Chinese milk and milk products has negatively impacted Burmese markets and sown...
October 8, 2008
Travellers are being rigorously checked at military checkpoints, especially between Lajayang and Garayang Villages on the illegal Sino-Burma border...
October 8, 2008
Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh: The Burmese opposition in exile in Bangladesh today distributed leaflets in Cox's Bazaar and submitted a statement to the...
October 8, 2008
The National Unity Party has been allowed by the military junta to distribute several newsletters among the public, despite the regime's ban on...
October 8, 2008
Over a dozen youths have gone missing in the last three months in Sittwe. It is believed they were conscripted by the Burmese Army, said an elder...
October 8, 2008
Private Kyaw Shwe Maung of the Light Infantry No. 707 based in Taikyi, near Yangon was shot dead after he deserted from the Burmese Army. Soldiers...
October 8, 2008
Incessant rains in the town of Mogoke in upper Burma caused a house to collapse on Wednesday morning, local residents said...
October 8, 2008
Submitting his second annual report on the organization which he heads, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the United Nations must resist tendencies...
October 8, 2008
The Karenni Nationalities Progressive Party (KNPP) has denied rumours that it plans to negotiate an 'arms for peace' agreement with the Burmese...
October 8, 2008
The United Nations Secretary General on Tuesday said he may cancel a planned visit to military-ruled Burma unless the government there fully...
October 8, 2008
The Department of Development Affairs is taxing shops at the Nandawon market in Rangoon to pay for a mandatory market fair. The day fair will be held...
October 8, 2008
Staff members of a tourist agency in Rangoon, the former capital of Burma have claimed that the tourism industry in Burma is in the doldrums. This...
