
February 24, 2009
The United States while welcoming Burma’s move to free political prisoners as part of the regime’s amnesty to over 6,000 prisoners urged the junta to...
February 24, 2009
The Burmese military junta has purchased 14,00,000 tins of rice from farmers in Kalemyo and 10,50,000 tins of rice from Tamu Township in Sagaing...
February 24, 2009
Buildings housing a construction unit of the Infantry Battalion IB 65 of Mongton, eastern Shan State, opposite Chiangmai province, was razed to the...
February 24, 2009
A massive manhunt has been launched by the Burmese Army following the shootings on the Mekong last week which resulted in the seizure of more than...
February 24, 2009
The prize giving ceremony of the 'Tawphayalay Aung Zay Memorial' literary prize was cancelled as the Burmese junta authorities did not give...
February 24, 2009
Leaders of Southeast Asian countries (ASEAN) should address the issue of Burma's poor human rights record in the forthcoming summit to be held at the...
February 24, 2009
The police of Ukhiya police station arrested and detained nearly 40 refugees from the Kutupalong camp on February 21, regarding the clashes between...
February 23, 2009
The Mizoram government in Northeast India, is ready to accept Chin refugees being persecuted by the Myanmar military regime, said Mr. Lalthanzara (...
February 22, 2009
For the first time in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin state, the police detained two local internet users on February 17, for surfing websites...
February 22, 2009
The United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) has called on the United Nations and the international community to continue “effective pressure” on Burma’s...
February 22, 2009
The Burmese navy has auctioned off fishing boats at their base in Kawthaung, Tenesserim Division for the first time this year after they seized the...
February 22, 2009
With the Burmese military junta's profound objection to the celebration of Chin National Day, ethnic Chin in Rangoon are albeit being forced to mark...
February 22, 2009
An official of the ethnic rebel group the United Wa State Army has alleged that the Burmese military regime was pressurising the group to transform...
February 20, 2009
A United Kingdom-based charity group on Thursday rejected the call by a campaign group on travel agencies, to stop business deals with Burma, saying...
February 20, 2009
United Nations Human Rights expert, Tomas Ojea Quintana, on Thursday left Burma with partial information on the situation of Human Rights in the...
