Quintana winds up Burma visit

Quintana winds up Burma visit
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United Nations Human Rights expert, Tomas Ojea Quintana, on Thursday left Burma with partial information on the situation of Human Rights in the country, the opposition party said...

New Delhi (Mizzima) - United Nations Human Rights expert, Tomas Ojea Quintana, on Thursday left Burma with partial information on the situation of Human Rights in the country, the opposition party said.

Nyan Win, spokesperson of the National League for Democracy, said Quintana while in Burma, had not met their party and was unable to meet all the people, whom he should have met.

"I think, he [Quintana], could only get partial information on the situation of human rights as he was unable to meet all the concerned people," Nyan Win said.

Quintana, before leaving Burma on Thursday, held a press conference at Mingalardon Airport in Rangoon, the UN office in Rangoon said.

During his visit, Quintana, met government officials and diplomats in Rangoon and Naypyitaw and also visited Karen state in eastern Burma.

During his visit to Karen state, the UN envoy met Karen splinter groups – Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army Peace Council, and Democratic Karen Buddhist Army.

However, he did not meet the Karen National Union, the main armed group of ethnic Karen, which has waged war for self-determination for 60 years.

In Naypyitaw, the UN envoy met the Chief Justice, Attorney General, Foreign Minister, Minister for Labour, Home Minister and the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board.

The six-day visit was Quintana's second trip to Burma, since he was appointed the Special Rapportuer for the situation of Human Rights in Burma. Quintana first visited the country in August 2008.