
August 25, 2014
The Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT)—a 16-member body which has been negotiating a nationwide ceasefire with Naypyidaw on behalf of most...
August 25, 2014
A pressure group for educational reform have sent a letter on August 22 to the government and parliament demanding a percentage of classes taught in...
August 25, 2014
Construction entrepreneurs have responded to comments made by Myanmar’s Vice President Dr Sai Mauk Kham by telling Mizzima that the price of land is...
August 25, 2014
The number of complaints made against the operation and conduct of Yangon’s buses during 2014 is already double the number recorded in the whole of...
August 25, 2014
The Arakan State government has taken a decisive step against individuals who have intruded into conflict-ridden areas of Sittwe, the state capital,...
August 22, 2014
Thailand will strive to maintain its position as Myanmar's second largest trade and investment partner, the Thai ambassador has told members of the...
August 22, 2014
A lawmaker from Arakan’s State’s Mraybon Constituency (no. 1), U Aung Win, told Narinjara that the fact that only a few land confiscation cases have...
August 22, 2014
Dozens of civil society groups in Rakhine State will ask President U Thein Sein to allow undocumented Muslims there to be settled in camps or...
August 22, 2014
President U Thein Sein has warned that drastic would be taken against public servants involved in corruption and bribery, which he said remained rife...
August 21, 2014
JAKARTA (AFP) - A plan by Southeast Asian countries to establish a European Union-inspired single market next year could worsen inequality and is...
August 21, 2014
Although drafting of a parliamentary act to introduce a system of proportional representation has begun in the commission established by the Amyotha...
August 21, 2014
General Gum Maw, deputy commander-in-chief of the Kachin Independence Army said on August 18, that the organisation is still recruiting child...
August 20, 2014
“Tripartite” peace talks were held for the first time yesterday between the Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT), a 16-member group which...
August 20, 2014
A group of senior representatives from Burma's armed rebel groups—including the Kachin Independence Organization's (KIO) Minister of Foreign Affairs...
August 20, 2014
The World Health Organisation classifies dengue as one of the leading causes of serious illness and death in children. WHO has listed dengue as the...
