Mongla follows Wa and rejects border force proposal

Mongla follows Wa and rejects border force proposal
A week after Panghsang, the capital of free Wa territory, turned down the ruling military council’s proposal to transform itself to a junta-controlled border security force, one of its main allies Mongla has followed suit, according to a reliable source from the Sino-Burma border...

A week after Panghsang, the capital of free Wa territory, turned down the ruling military council’s proposal to transform itself to a junta-controlled border security force, one of its main allies Mongla has followed suit, according to a reliable source from the Sino-Burma border.

A letter written to Brig Gen Kyaw Phyoe, Commander of Kengtung-based Triangle Region Command, yesterday said the National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS), the group’s official name, is not prepared to become a border security force.

Naypyitaw’s front man Lt-Gen Ye Myint last month proposed that all ceasefire groups transform themselves into 326 strong units, commanded by their own officers but supervised by 30 Burmese Army officers.

The reply followed a summit meeting among Kokang, Wa and Mongla groups last week, when the decision was reportedly made to place all the three armies under a joint command, in the event of hostilities. Kokang was represented by Vice chairman Peng Jiafu, Wa by Bao Youxiang and Mongla by Sai Leun aka Lin Mingxian.

Another source meanwhile said the Wa has newly acquired 10 armoured vehicles at Y 8 million ($ 1 million) each. However, the report is yet to be confirmed by Wa sources in Panghsang.

The Burmese Army on the other hand, will be putting to use weapons imported from North Korea, according to a local businessman. “It will also kill a lot of civilians in the vicinity,” an army officer was quoted as saying recently.

According to the Bangkok-based Altsean-Burma and US-based Human Rights Watch, Pyongyang has sold a number of military items to Burma, which include 130 mm M 46 field guns and truck-borne multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) with a range about 65 kilometres.

Relations between the armed ceasefire groups and the Burmese Army have turned from bad to worse as the 2010 nationwide elections draw near. While the former are insisting on a federal system of government, the country’s military leaders continue to advocate a military-led “democracy.”