Militia training course in Mongton by Burmese Army

Militia training course in Mongton by Burmese Army
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
The Mongton-based Burmese Army Infantry Battalion IB 65, in eastern Shan State, opposite Chiangmai Province, has been training militia units in the township, according to border sources...

The Mongton-based Burmese Army Infantry Battalion IB 65, in eastern Shan State, opposite Chiangmai Province, has been training militia units in the township, according to border sources.

“It began as a 10-day training course from February 16 to 26, but it is not over yet even this morning,” said a villager.

There were over a hundred militia members from Nakawngmu, Na Pha Yawng, Kunghsa and Hwe Aw village tracts, who are being trained in combat infiltration and other military tactics.

The training is being conducted at the battalion command post. The trainees include both new and experienced members.

The trainees will get a special card each after the course is finished. Those holding the cards will be allowed to do "everything," said a source.

“The card holders can go anywhere and can trade in anything they want,” he said. “They only need not make it obvious.”

In the meantime, army authorities from Monghta, opposite Chiangmai’s Wianghaeng District, have also been training the Hsankang militia unit.

There are over 40 trainees who will be similarly given special cards after the course.

The battalion has already trained one batch in early February, which was called the upgrading course, for 32 militia members (Shan- 6,Lahu - 16, Kokang – 10).

The trainees then had to practise with wooden guns, said another source.

Early this year, the pro-junta militia units were reorganized on a township basis. Tin Win of Maeken was appointed as the head of all the militia units in Mongton Township and Ja Pikoi of Nakawngmu his deputy.