New form issued to hire migrant workers

New form issued to hire migrant workers
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
A week after the cabinet meeting, Thai authorities have issued application forms for hiring Burmese migrant workers in order to enable them to receive work-permit papers from the Burmese authorities, according to a document received ...

A week after the cabinet meeting, Thai authorities have issued application forms for hiring Burmese migrant workers in order to enable them to receive work-permit papers from the Burmese authorities, according to a document received by Chiangmai based Migrant Assistance Program (MAP).

On December 9, a report following the meeting of the Thai cabinet stated that the relevant authorities must issue ministerial regulations and procedure for registering Burmese migrant workers.

According to the report, the Ministry of Interior is authorized to issue regulations for the verification of Burmese nationals in Thailand and in Burma in order to allow them to reside and work as labourers in Thailand. It also said that the visa fee shall be reduced from 2,000 Baht to 500 Baht.

However, no information has reached most employers and workers yet, according to Sai Yawd from the Chiangmai based Workers Solidarity Association (WSA).

"Our employers haven't told anything to us concerning this document. We are still afraid to believe this new information due to lessons learnt from the past," he said.

"We are wondering whether the Thai authorities will take back our existing work-permit card if we fill up this form. We are also worried if the Burmese authorities will use our information and persecute our families."

Similarly, no activities from the Burmese authorities have started yet due to Thailand's internal political instability, according to an official source from Nay Pyi Taw.

The form for submitting the national verification are available at provincial employment offices where photographs and the print of the left finger of the worker concerned will be taken and sent to Migrant Worker Importation Regulation Division which in turn will forward it to the Burmese government through diplomatic channels for each migrant worker to travel to Myanmar National Verification Center at Tachilek, Myawaddy and Kawthawng on the Thai-Burma border, according to S.H.A.N report on November  17.

A Burmese migrant worker who wants to apply for a new passport document has to give his/her background information, ID card, and a recommendation letter from his/her boss or business owner, said the source.