Chula to hold Shan conference

Chula to hold Shan conference
Thailand's prestigious Chulalongkorn University is organizing the First International Conference on Shan Studies (ICSS) in the ensuing year, according to the Chiangmai-based Shan Literature and Culture Society...

Thailand's prestigious Chulalongkorn University is organizing the First International Conference on Shan Studies (ICSS) in the ensuing year, according to the Chiangmai-based Shan Literature and Culture Society.
Muantip Khongchuen who had attended a meeting with Dr Sunait Chutintaranond, Director of the Institute of Asian Studies (IAS) who had worked with MC Chatrichalerm Yukol, director of the blockbuster movie "Legend of King Naresuan," told the meeting of the Society last Saturday that the organizers would expect the involvement of the Shan community. "We would need to form a work team to work with Chula," he said.
The conference seeks to bring together scholars of Shan studies from all over the world to share their knowledge and discoveries as well as to meet and promote their cooperation, according to a handout he had brought.
The main activities of the conference being planned are academic panels, performing arts and exhibitions. A DVD on the Mon History Conference "Rediscovery of Rama desa," which was hosted by the IAS in October 2007 was shown to give the Shans an idea of what was expected. "They (the Thai scholars) were very happy with the Mon conference," said Muantip. "We certainly cannot afford to do less than the Mons."
Apart from classical dances and Shan orchestra to be performed by Shans, the Faculty of Fine Arts is planning to do a well-known historical short play Chao Ying Saenwi (Princess of Hsenwi) at the Chulalongkorn Auditorium.
"Rajadiraj, the play performed last year by the Faculty about a famous Mon king, was reported to be a great success with the audience," he said.
The Shan community had suggested to the organizing team that it would be ideal to hold the Shan conference around the Shan New Year's Day, which falls on Tuesday, November  18 this year, as most Shans in Bangkok would be free to participate in the event. The IAS has initially planned to hold the conference in October, when most classes are off. "We have to find a way to deal with the congestion inside the campus first before we can come out with a definite date," Dr Sunait was quoted as saying.
The Institute of Asian Studies has already hosted three events with regard to Burma: Arakan History Workshop in 2005, Rohingya Consultation in 2006 and Mon History Conference in 2007.
Chiangmai's Shan Literature and Culture Society is headed by Saengmuang Mangkorn, youngest son of the late Shan resistance leader Sao Noi (1927-96) who is working with Migrant Assistance Programme (MAP) Foundation, whereas Bangkok's Shan community is headed by General Phon Wanakamon, a retired Thai general of Shan origin.