Former ceasefire group to form political party for 2010 elections

Former ceasefire group to form political party for 2010 elections
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Hseng Khio Fah
The Shan Nationalities Peoples' Liberation Organization (SNPLO), a ceasefire group in southern Shan State which surrendered on August 3 under immense pressure from the Burmese junta has decided to form a state-based party to contest the 2010 elections, according to a source from the anti-junta PaO National Liberation Organization (PNLO).

The Shan Nationalities Peoples' Liberation Organization (SNPLO), a ceasefire group in southern Shan State which surrendered on August 3 under immense pressure from the Burmese junta has decided to form a state-based party to contest the 2010 elections, according to a source from the anti-junta PaO National Liberation Organization (PNLO).
A group of 125 strong former SNPLO members led by Soe Aung Lwin and Sein Shwe will form a political party, but the party's name has not been chosen so far, according to Joihto from PNLO's Political and Organization Department.
"However, we don't think the party will get a chance to win even if it is allowed to contest the elections. Everything will be under military control," he commented.
The group was forced to surrender and lay down all weapons by the Deputy Commander of the Eastern Region Command and Vice chairman of Shan State South Peace and Development Council, Brig-Gen Chit Oo and Military Affairs Security (MAS) officer, Major Win Bo.
The officers led Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 426 and Infantry Battalion (IB) 250 to surround the SNPLO's headquarters at Nawng Htao, Hsihseng township. Altogether 62 weapons of the SNPLO were taken, Joihto told SHAN.  "Had the group refused to comply, they would have been shot."
The Burmese military has since been stationed in Nawng Htao.
It is also reportedly planning to set up a new military camp and a police station at the former SNPLO headquarters.
The SNPLO was formed in 1968. In 1994 it concluded a ceasefire agreement with Rangoon. In 2007, one of its factions led by Chit Maung surrendered to the Burmese military and another faction led by KhunTi Sawng returned to the struggle changing its name to PaO National Liberation Organization (PNLO). The third faction led by Maj Hseng Fa surrendered last month.
Among ceasefire groups in Shan State, three have surrendered so far: Shan State National Army (SSNA) and Palaung State Liberation Army (PSLA) in 2005 and SNPLO this year. The remaining ceasefire groups are Kokang, Wa, Mongla, Shan State Army (SSA) North, Kachin Defense Army and PaO National Army (PNO).