Prisoners to be allowed to vote if they support constitution

Prisoners to be allowed to vote if they support constitution
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Desperate to have the draft constitution approved by the masses in Burma, the junta will allow prisoners whose cases are still pending, to vote. The understanding is that they will cast their ballots in favour of the junta's constitution in return for acquittal of their cases or reduced sentences, a reliable source from northern Shan State said.

Desperate to have the draft constitution approved by the masses in Burma, the junta will allow prisoners whose cases are still pending, to vote. The understanding is that they will cast their ballots in favour of the junta's constitution in return for acquittal of their cases or reduced sentences, a reliable source from northern Shan State said.
"A directive to this effect from the home ministry was received early this month," a prison official was quoted as saying. "The order however does not apply to convicted prisoners."
The news shores up the Democratic Voice of Burma's report on April 9 that monks detained in Rangoon's Insein prison are being issued ID cards in exchange for their support for the draft constitution.
According to the Referendum Law issued on February 26, "persons serving prison terms, having been convicted under order or sentence of a court for any offense" are excluded from the voters list, but "detainees in custody in police stations or prisoners" are entitled to vote.