Exploitation on villagers goes up after crackdown

Exploitation on villagers goes up after crackdown
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
Burma Army soldiers in Southern Shan State are seizing villagers' livestock, money and luxury items and collecting illegal taxes on poppy fields. They are also forcing villagers to buy motorcycles for them.

Burma Army soldiers in Southern Shan State are seizing villagers' livestock, money and luxury items and collecting illegal taxes on poppy fields. They are also forcing villagers to buy motorcycles for them.
On January 20, 2008, at 1 am, the Loilem based Light Infantry Battalion 12 commander Major Yang Aung Win led a 35-strong patrol on the way to Natu to Hsikkhar village, Mongkhun village tract, Mongkung township and stole 11 chickens (valued at about Kyat 22,000, US $ 18) from Hsikkar village and a pair of sneakers valued at Kyat 3,000(US $ 2.5). Then at 10.30 am, they went into villagers Pawhsang Nyeing and Maehsang Nyeing's house and took Kyat 833,700(US $ 695) and a chicken valued at Kyat 3,000(US $ 2.5), according to a local source.
Also on January 8, 2008, the Light Infantry Battalion 131 forced the villagers of Wan Khem to buy a motorcycle. The battalion is based in Wan Pang, Wan Khem village tract, Kehsi Township.
Again, on January 13, 2008, at 4 am, the Mong Pawn based Light Infantry Battalion 517 commander Major Thurein Tun on patrol with his 15 men rested at Nang Mon's house in Wan Long, Wan Hwe village tract, Mongkung Township, Northern Shan State.  After that they intentionally left their guns behind at the house and left the village by tractor to Sanpek village, Mongkhun tract, according to a local source.
"On the next day, at 6 am, five soldiers from the group returned to Nang Mon's house and asked for their guns. They accused the villagers of hiding the guns. As punishment they took five blankets from the villagers," said a villager.
"Wherever they patrol, they always take things and collect taxes from the villagers. Since the September crackdown in 2007, soldiers seem to have lost faith in their top officers. They only think of money. As long as they get the money they allow every one to plant and trade whatever they want," said a villager.
Soldiers are abusing their powers not only in Southern Shan State but also such things are happening in Northern Shan State.
On 18, January, S.H.A.N (Shan Herald Agency for News) reported that a police station officer collected taxes from villagers who own motorcycles. The tax is Kyat12, 000 ($10) for each. They then buy motorcycles from the tax money. Local authorities also forced people to buy motorcycles for their use in Mong Ngaw Township, Kyaukme district, Northern Shan State.