Shan village signpost demolished by unknown assailants

Shan village signpost demolished by unknown assailants
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A Shan village signpost in Nawng Khio, northern Shan State, was demolished by unknown assailants on April 9, to the anger of some Shan cyber-users.

 Loi Kham)

“The signpost was quite big, so it could not have been destroyed by cows or buffalos. It was done by some assailants,” commented Sai Htwe on facebook.

Sai Zin Min Aye said: “Whoever destroyed the signpost should be arrested, as it violates the constitution, which is aimed to consolidate national unity.”

Sai Hla Kyaw said: “They (the Burmese military authorities which demolished the Keng Tung palace in 1990) destroyed our Shan palace; it is not enough for them. Now, they have even destroyed our village signpost.”

The signpost was for the village of Naunglong village, in Nawng Khio township, north of Mandalay, in northern Shan State.

 Loi Kham)

The signpost which was destroyed was written in Shan, as Nawnglong village on the top and in Burmese as Inn Ma village at the bottom.

The signpost was built by the Shan Literature and Culture Association-Nawng Khio.

Most of the signposts of villages and township in Shan State have their names written and designed in Burmese, which does not represent the local language and style.