Shan troops released by Wa

Shan troops released by Wa
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After more than six weeks under custody, the United Wa State Army (UWSA) released the 20 Shan State Army (SSA) ‘South’ fighters, according to Shan and Thai sources.

 SHAN)Their freedom was reportedly preceded by a letter from Lt-Gen Yawdserk, Chairman of the Restoration Council of Shan State/ Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) to his Wa counterpart Bao Youxiang followed by a meeting in Hwe Aw, 24 miles (28 km)  north of the Chiangmai border, between the two sides on 16 September.

 UWSA)The 5 member SSA delegation was led by Col Wanli, the SSA’s chief of staff, and Maj Teun Kherh, Commander of the Loi Hsarm Hsip based 727th Brigade. On the Wa side were Yang Guozhong, Commander of the 775th Brigade and 3 others: Ta Nerng, Ta Hsarm Hsoi and Ta Lwi.