About 10 government battalions surrounding Shan base

About 10 government battalions surrounding Shan base
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Since July 21, when Maj Gen Aung Kyaw Zaw, Commander of Lashio-based Northeastern Region Command issued an ultimatum to Shan State Progress Party / Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) to withdraw from the current active territory within 5 days or else there would be operations in the areas, there is as yet no clashes. But, not less than 9 battalions of Burma Army have been surrounding the SSPP/SSA headquarters in Wan Hai Village in Kehsi township, reported a source close to the SSA.

“There are 5 battalions of Burma Army in Monghsu-Tangyan border areas, and 4 battalions in Kehsi-Hsipaw border areas. No clashes have taken place and the area appear to be quiet. At our headquarters, we are giving trainings to officers and men on required knowledge,” said one of the SSPP/SSA officials.

Tactical Operations Command # 2 (TOC-2) under Mong Nawng-based Military Operations Command # 2 (MOC-2) is building bases around Monghsu with Namzang-based Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 516 and Mongpawn-based LIB-517. The 3 other battalions under North Eastern Command: LIB-322, Infantry Battalion (IB) 127 and  LIB-326 are setting up bases around SSPP/SSA’s 7 Mile hill-base near Namlao, Tangyan township.

Likewise, on the Kehsi-Hsipaw border, IB-22, LIB-513, LIB-247 and LIB-131 are seen by sources constructing bases east of Wanhai.

“There is no further contact from U Thein Zaw (the SSPP’s opposite number in Naypyitaw for peace talks) for the next meeting. There is also no battles at the moment,” said SSPP/SSA spokesperson, Major Sai La.

Despite the ceasefire agreements, government troops have been attacking RCSS/SSA in more than 30 engagements and at least in 23 engagements with SSPP/SSA.