Wa, Mongla unhappy cover government issued IDs

Wa, Mongla unhappy cover government issued IDs
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Both Wa and Mongla officials have expressed frustration over national IDs issued by the government two years ago to their people in the run-up to the November 2010 elections.

Although they carry outwardly identical IDs, designated officially as Citizenship Scrutiny Cards, they are being subject to time-consuming questions when they are traveling. “It usually takes a long time because many of us don’t speak Burmese,” said a Shan from Mongla coming to Tachilek, opposite Thailand’s Maesai.

In addition, they are not allowed to cross the border into Thailand like other ordinary citizens.

The reason, they found later, is that the IDs (pink) are differently logged:

On the face side, the ID holder’s personal number is noted similarly:


However, on the rear side, the personal number becomes different from the face side for the Wa and Mongla residents:


For other citizens, the personal number of the holder is not repeated on the rear side. “If you’re under 45, it would have an instruction reminding you to apply for a new ID when you turn 45,” explained a young Shan in Thailand. “But if you’re over 45, nothing would be written there.”

That is how officials at various checkpoints are able to differentiate Wa and Mongla residents from ordinary citizens, said sources.

“Maybe it is not a good idea to apply for an ID as a person living under the supervision of the SSA South (officially Restoration Council of Shan State / Shan State Army),” said a 50 your old Shan on the border. “Perhaps it is better to wait until both sides reach political agreement.”

The RCSS/SSA and Naypyitaw signed a ceasefire agreement on 2 December 2011. Their third agreement on 19 May stipulates that persons living under the control of the RCSS/SSA will be issued IDs.

In Burma, a citizen obtains a national ID at ten and exchanges it for a new one at 18, 35 and 45.


Citizen ship Scrutiny Card

Personal number          State code number/ initials of the township’s name (Citizen) 6 digit number

  1. Photo                       Date of issuance         …………....................................
  2. Name                            ……………................................

Father’s name              ……………................................

Date of Birth                 ……………................................

Race / Religion             ……………................................

Height ….………… Blood group …………….................

Signature of issuing officer      Distinguishing mark ……………………........
Name ……………….......
Rank ………………........


Serial number……………………...
ID number                …………………………........................

Occupation ………………………….....

Thumb print              Address    ……………………………..
Signature   ……………………………...

1.    The holder must carry this card wherever he/she is.
2.    In case of loss, the holder must report to the police station and township immigration and national registration department.
3.    This card must be exchanged for a new one at the age of (…..). The holder will be taken action upon failure to do so