Yawdserk: Ceasefire with one must be ceasefire with others

Yawdserk: Ceasefire with one must be ceasefire with others
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Stephen Perraud / Hseng Khio Fah

Lt-Gen Yawdserk of the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), generally known as SSA South says ceasefire with Shan State Army (SSA) South, should also be ceasefire with SSA North, which will bolster mutual confidence and lead the way to peaceful resolution of the country’s woes.


Stop fighting only in our RCSS controlled areas, but continue in SSPP’s areas is cannot be accepted, Yawdserk said.

Now both RCSS and SSPP are preparing to meet Burma movement for peace talks.

The core of its planned proposition would be “political problems should be resolved by political means. But before holding political talks, fighting must be stop first.

“As we had declared in May there is only one SSA. Therefore, if RCSS negotiates with the Burma government it means it is representing the SSPP. We both represent each other,” he said.

He however conceded that when it came to political negotiations, the two might choose to negotiate separately, as the SSA North is part of the 12 member alliance known as the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC).