Thousands of acres of paddy fields and farmlands of farmers in several townships in Shan State South where rice paddy is grown, are in ruin due to over 10 day long flooding in the area since early this month, according to local farmers.
The affected townships are Mongpawn, Namzarng and Hopong townships. It is estimated that at least over a thousand of bean farms, corn farms especially paddy fields are devastated by the flood.
Most affected areas are in Hopong township as it is not only the paddy fields but also homes are flooded, said a local farmer. Heavy rains have been pouring down every day and night, which have caused the local Tamphak creek, known as Thabet in Burmese, to verflow its banks and destroy thousands of farms of the villages along the stream.
“Every farm in the area is destroyed. At least 10 villages are affected,” said the farmer. “Rice price can rise up looking at the current condition. And people are going to starve.”
Destruction of farms in Mongpawn meanwhile are caused by the Pawn creek.
“Water levels reach very high. In some villages, it reaches the second floor of the house if it is two- story house. If the rains still continue pouring down, people will just to move and stay on the roofs,” said a villager from Panglon, Hopong township.
To date, floods are yet to drop down. But there has been no assistance from the government for flood-affected areas and farmers. The majority of people in Shan State earn their living growing rice during the rainy season and beans in the summer season.